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Location: Clarksville, TN, United States

At this moment, I am a 60 year old lady living with a 61 year old husband of 41 years. I have a loving son, Scott, who is mentally challenged (aka mentally retarded), and a beautiful daughter, Dawn who lives near Boston with her husband and son. I never understood what all the hoopla was about being a grandparent - now I do! I am the poster child for the obnoxious old lady with photos in hand!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

GOD is great!!!

I was raised attending church. Actually, Sunday school - going to Sunday services was rare and in my child's mind - boring. I have never questioned the authenticity of the Bible, never doubted there is a God - that Jesus Christ was his son, was crucified and rose again to ascend into heaven.

I also have never been very verbal about this belief. As an adult, I have attended services- although not as regularly as I should. The guilt is there - I know I could and should do better. While I try to convince myself that watching a TV preacher -however good - is a satisfactory substitute to attending local services - deep in my gut I know I am WRONG. It is not as good, in fact it is a cop out and a poor one.

As I age, I feel less and less compelled to hide or in some how camouflage my faith. I am not in any way ashamed of knowing there is a God - my God - my hope and support in all things. In younger years, the majority of my friends were not "church going" people. Most would not out-right ridicule a person for being a person of faith - at least not to their face. Given enough "Coors" though, some would get pushy about my resolution against alcohol and drugs. Yup! I went through the 60's, 70's and 80's (okay 90's too) without drugs and very little alcohol.

I never liked the taste of booze- had to cover it up with lots of fruit juice etc. Finally decided that if drinking was for pleasure --I would be a lot more pleased to be drinking cokes! I never judged others who were imbibing (at least not to their faces!) I remember having a debate with Benny years ago (a very long time Air Force buddy), about how I was missing out on the fun (according to him) by not partying with them. "Just wait until you die and find out there was no reason to not party", he told me one time. I retorted with 'Just wait until YOU die and find out I was right!"

My point for this sermon came from an experience I had this week. Our precious grandson was born prematurely and the parents were told there was a malformed aortic valve. At his one year evaluation, the doc thought he heard a problem and moved up the May visit with the cardiologist. My heart broke: for Sawyer, for myself, and for his parents, whom I knew were afraid of what lay ahead. I tried to say all the right things but I am sure it was not enough.

So I put my fears where I always do when I am scared beyond breathing. In God's all healing hands. With every breath, with every tear I pleaded for God to heal little Sawyer, for God to lift him out of harm's way and mend his little body. This little guy has been poked and prodded so much in his short first year - physicians are wonderful - but God's healing is perfect!

Yesterday was the day for the cardiologist's visit. Dawn was to call me as soon as she got the doctor's answers. Well, folks, the answer was : SAWYER IS FINE! No new problems -in fact, the problems they saw at birth? Well, that is no longer an issue! He will be fine and I know why!


I accept it on faith that God DID heal this child. By HIS will Sawyer is fine and I do not care who or how many people "poo-poo" that idea. Doctor's did not heal him - modern medicine did not heal him. God did! so there!

I truly feel sorry for people who totally rely on themselves for all things. How hard their lives must be not to know the comfort of having a heavenly Father who loves and cares for you and can master all things - no matter how difficult. That is why they are called miracles. We received one yesterday and again I say 'THANK YOU LORD!" (credit where credit is due!)

It is a cold and snowy day here - but the sun is shining in my heart and somewhere in MA there is a little boy who has a strong heart and I truly hope someday he knows why.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Tomorrow is a big day - Sawyer - our grandson - will be one year old! I am sure he will not know the difference. Infact, he may be annoyed that his routine is interrupted by extra pictures and people singing off key to him. He is becoming quite the critic about things musical. In one recent video, he even gave his Dad a raspberry for singing chords near him. For some reason he does not like "chord" singing. What he does like is to "plunk" on a piano and make his own music. Both his parents are musically gifted so maybe he will be interested in music as well.

Sawyer's interests grow each day. He has come a long way since that cold, snowy night in Providence RI, when he entered this world. Words cannot describe the feeling you have when you hold your first grandchild. I can remember my mother holding my son, Scott when he was in the NICU. A frail lady, herself, she physically shook as she held him in a rocking chair. Tears rolled down her face as she told me to take him before she dropped him. She was more demonstrative with Scott than she ever was with me. She never passed a chance to gently touch his head or fingers.

I held Sawyer for the first time just minutes before I had to run to catch a plane at the airport. I had delayed my departure four days so I could be with Dawn when Sawyer was born. Because he was in the NICU, visiting was limited. Seeing your child with their first child is an experience you cannot duplicate.

When Ed met me at the airport in Nashville, I told him I had pictures! Pictures of Sawyer! Just 2 days old and oh! so beautiful. We sat in the car in the parking garage as he flipped through the pictures on the digital camera. We could not wait to get home to print them.

We got daily updates from Dawn and Greg. Dawn was doing well but had to leave the hospital without Sawyer. He had good days and a few scary ones. We prayed - oh how we prayed - and day by day Sawyer grew! The obstacles fell to the wayside and he became Sawyer!

He is a heart-melter that young man! Blue eyes that can melt your soul! And a devilish grin that makes you know his parents are in for some fun times ahead.

I have had many blessing in my 60+ years. But Lord, this one was a real doozy! Thank you for Sawyer. This is a scary world we live in today and I pray each day to keep my babies safe - Scott and Dawn and now this little one year old sweetheart- Grandpa's "Little Buddy"- Sawyer.

Happy Birthday Sawyer We do love you so!