The last Christmas package is mailed...finally!
The final Christmas package has finally been delivered! At last! whew!
It is easy to get caught up in the spirit of Christmas and forget that when your family comes to your house for Christmas - chances are YOU will have to mail the goodies home for them! You need to think of this when you are shopping - not on Christmas morning when all hell breaks loose and paper is flying like a ticker tape parade on Wall Street for a special occasion! Prior Planning - that is what was needed!
Also, when you mail several boxes, you need to inventory them- get organized so in case of loss...yeah! yeah! yeah- you know where I am going...
I had scurried through envelopes of receipts last week, trying to remember what I had bought Gwen and Sawyer (primarily) - then I was going to coordinate my "what I purchased" against Dawn's list of "what actually has arrived". Thankfully, the last huge box that included Sawyer's "Shake and Go Racetrack" was delivered after a very long 2 week jaunt around the mid-USA.
Now, we can settle down and prepare for our little guy's 3rd birthday! (More packages to mail!)
Christmas was wonderful and exciting with Sawyer and Gwen here (with their parents of course!)
They are both so beautiful and change -almost - before your eyes!
Gwen seems transfixed by new sights and sounds. You can almost hear the wheels in her brain spinning as she figures out exciting new adventures!Of course to her, most new things are potential food....
As I told an old friend today as we were discussing our children and how they had grown up, I always knew Dawn was an excellent student, a adventurous young spirit, BUT as a mother, she amazes me! She was never interested in baby-sitting or goo=gooing other peoples' children as a teenager. I could not be more proud!
And Scott... what can I say? He was so excited to see Dawn and Greg get here! He had determined that Christmas would not be here until they arrived! He is my special occasion organizer! Already he is asking about "birthdays". (His will not be until late August!) He whispers the question "birthday?" and then answers a bit louder.."NOT YET!"