
My Photo
Location: Clarksville, TN, United States

At this moment, I am a 60 year old lady living with a 61 year old husband of 41 years. I have a loving son, Scott, who is mentally challenged (aka mentally retarded), and a beautiful daughter, Dawn who lives near Boston with her husband and son. I never understood what all the hoopla was about being a grandparent - now I do! I am the poster child for the obnoxious old lady with photos in hand!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


The Countdown to Christmas is gaining on us! In fact, by the time you get to Thanksgiving, if you have not completed the lion's share of your holiday (I mean Christmas...not Thanksgiving), -preparations - you are sorely lagging behind!

The first person who told me in Sept. that they were mostly finished with their Christmas shopping truly amazed, shocked (maybe sickened) me!

Now, everyone seems to be on the fast track and I am sitting in the bleachers hunting for my shoe laces!!

Seriously! I would like to conquer the heartburn from too much turkey and dressing before I attack the major mall groups -- not going to happen!

Even my "non-shopping husband" got up at 3AM on Black Friday and hit the BX. Of course the gift that he had eye-balled for me is something he wanted to have also - so he was deeply inspired to shop.

I did get on line on Black Friday and scored a few of the treasures on my grandchildren's list. I have stewed over a pair of boots for Sawyer and have just arrived at the conclusion HE WON'T CARE ABOUT MISSING BOOTS!He might be a little disappointed about the race car being gone- or the Wiggles DVD missing (They aren't), but boots? Come on!! What does a 2 year old care about boots? Nada! Zip! Zilch! So it is on to the next treasure!

We made some progress today - our tree is up (and decorated). Ed put the lights on the front of the house and decorated the porch pillars. The Titans snowmen are lassoed to the porch swing for the rest of the season. The rest of our "yard art" will follow sometime next week. (weather permitting),

Scott is in "hog heaven" with Christmas finally becoming an acceptable conversation starter. (In July he gets groans and squeals when he starts counting down the days!)

He added a new Christmas treasure to his room - a countdown to Christmas device that will (hopefully) answer the question: "More days until Christmas?" Today we have gone to his room and pointed. (He still asks.)

So bring on the eggnog, haul out the boxes, ribbon and paper you saved from last year! Even if you don't have your shopping done - you can put a nicely wrapped (EMPTY) box under the tree and impress the neighbors! (You might need to fill it by Dec 25th or endure the wrath you will receive from the empty box recipient!)

Christmas is coming! YIPPEE!!! Take time to enjoy the smells, the laughter and the joy of this most special time of year. Take time to share memories of your Christmas' past with your children and grandchildren. Be a part of their memories!! And last of all, please remember those who have lost a part of their joy this year by losing a loved one. They NEED the hugs and smiles too . . now more than ever. God Bless.