
My Photo
Location: Clarksville, TN, United States

At this moment, I am a 60 year old lady living with a 61 year old husband of 41 years. I have a loving son, Scott, who is mentally challenged (aka mentally retarded), and a beautiful daughter, Dawn who lives near Boston with her husband and son. I never understood what all the hoopla was about being a grandparent - now I do! I am the poster child for the obnoxious old lady with photos in hand!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


It has been a busy few days. Dawn and Sawyer came for a visit and Greg joined in for a few days. Even in the short time between our visit there in mid-July and their arrival here, I can see changes in Sawyer. Of course we cheer every little progress! Sometimes, he gives us this "Why are you so impressed with THAT" look. Let's face it - he has us wrapped around his little finger and that is perfectly okay with us!

Dawn, Greg and Sawyer went to Louisville to meet with a doctor there that is doing research in Williams Syndrome. Sawyer had two days of tests and talks. I think they got some good tips from the doctor and Sawyer got to show off for more people. They will return periodically to meet with others from other states who are part of this research project.

While here, we all got to attend a small family wedding. Sawyer did very well during the wedding service. He played with Grampy and ate graham bears and it was a simple service.

Then we went into the reception. At first we blamed it on the sugary punch - but now we are not so sure... Sawyer fired up and really "talked up a storm". It was so funny! He was sitting in a high chair at the end of our table and began to jabber away. Then he got louder and his little face got flushed. Then he continued to rant and wave his arms. Someone said he looked like he was leading a revival - another said they thought he was Pentecostal! At any rate he had a fun time and managed to score several helpings of cake!

On Sunday, Hurricane Ike scurried through Tennessee. Actually, it was more like a huge wind gust that flew through. It was strong enough though, that it knocked down trees, and power lines. We were without power from 10 AM- 7PM. I found that to be annoying until I learned that people in KY are still without power in some places - so I need to hush and count my blessings!

As a result of the power outage, we did decided to find somewhere cool to eat where they might have "soft" food for Sawyer. We decided that Shoneys was the closest and best bet for Sawyer. Again at the end of the table, he began his speeches to the masses. Getting louder and louder, he voiced his joy at being at the head of the table. I do not think he annoyed anyone (TOUGH! if he did! I have put up with other people's unruly kids for years! It is MY TURN!)

No seriously, he was so cute with his smiley face and big blue eyes - trying so hard to tell everyone his stories! Jabber Jabber! We loved it!

Probably one of Sawyer's favorite things is: swinging! He loves it! The higher the better! We walked over to the playground nearby and he had the swings all to himself. We attempted to switch to the slide after about 15 minutes but he was not about to give up his seat! He wanted to fly on his swing! I told Dawn she will have to get him a swing of his own next summer. They have one in the basement - and he can swing all year and that is great for him!

Ed and I, both, were impressed with Sawyer's logic skills and memory. Boy! If he finds something he likes - he knows where to go look for it again later. Especially if he is told "No!" He is getting great at climbing and reaching and especially melting our hearts!

Sometimes, I think we get so wrapped up with this "Williams Syndrome" thing, we miss Sawyer! We connect everything with the Williams and do not give this little guy enough credit for just being a cute little guy with preferences of his own. Maybe this or that behavior is not "The Williams", maybe it is just Sawyer being Sawyer.

In the field of MR, there is a self advocacy group called :People First. They subscribe to the philosophy that you should never put a label before a person. Thus not a mentally retarded girl, rather a girl with m/r. It is just a small part of the person and should not be given that much control over their lives. I agree. I do not want to put any obstacles in front of this little guy. He will do what he can do - to the very best of his ability. We can ask no more of anyone. I think he may surprise us big time over the next few years. In the meantime, I am enjoying every minute of this grand adventure called Sawyer Matthew Low!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


There is a marquee in front of our church that usually has some cutsie slogan on it. Lots of churches do that now. I generally read them as I fly by daily but do not give them much thought.

This week I read the sign, mulled it over and have given it much thought over the daily drive-bys.

The sign says: "Do or not do - there is no "try" "

Obviously, the person who thought up this brain child has not walked in the shoes of a mother with a special needs child -- or any child for that matter.

I understand the thought process in relation to Christianity or any religion for that matter. You accept it - or you don't. There is no half way in faith. (I suppose some lame faith would say:"do what feels good - anything is okay if you do it in a good way - but most organized churches want commitment!)

I have been saying "TRY" for 41 years. "Try to eat the green beans", "Try to zip your coat", "Try to swim across the pool". Lots of trying with a child.

When you have a different path, a "special" path, you have to do a lot of trying and then turn it over to faith. I, in no way, think I can get through life on my own trying. When things get darkest and fear over-flows my heart - I have to turn it over to faith. I simply cannot put my fears into the hands of man. God can handle anything - beyond my wildest imagination. Man has limits. Sometimes we need to reach them so we can appreciate the limitless powers of God.

Years ago, about 38 years ago, Scott was in the hospital with pneumonia. He slipped into a coma and the doctors told me to talk to him and touch him - they did not know why this happened - and seemed helpless to reverse it. Several family members hurried to the hospital to support us and we gather around the small crib as my uncle cradled Scott's tiny hand and prayed and begged God to be merciful and touch that tiny child. Slowly, Scott squeezed my hand and I yelled for the doctors. They came into that room and evaluated Scott and told me he was out of the coma. I cried, of course, and thanked them profusely. They both told me that it was not them I needed to thank - they had not done anything to reverse the coma. There was another Physician in the room.

And so, I will keep trying - in all areas I can, but I will also keep "doing" in the faith arena.

There are three stages of God:

Good news on the home front: Sawyer's allergy tests came back negative! He can have peanuts and hopefully avoid allergy shots. Also his calcium level was in the normal range! YEAH!

Sawyer will be coming to Tennessee next week for a few days visit - then Greg will join Dawn here and they will drive to Louisville KY to see a developmental specialist who is doing a research study about Williams Syndrome children. Can't wait to see Dawn and Sawyer (and of course Greg too!). It is cute to hear Scott when someone asks about Dawn - he will add "And Greg". He has bonded to Greg and that is wonderful to see! We all need people to love in our lives - I am very thankful for the blessings in mine!