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Location: Clarksville, TN, United States

At this moment, I am a 60 year old lady living with a 61 year old husband of 41 years. I have a loving son, Scott, who is mentally challenged (aka mentally retarded), and a beautiful daughter, Dawn who lives near Boston with her husband and son. I never understood what all the hoopla was about being a grandparent - now I do! I am the poster child for the obnoxious old lady with photos in hand!

Sunday, May 4, 2008


It is Sunday morning and I am getting ready for church. Actually, I am a tad early because I looked at the clock without my glasses and was a little off ... by an hour. So here I sit, church clothes on, so I must be careful to avoid lint, grease, anything that could stick to these good black slacks! I am a human magnet for things that ruin good clothes.

Friday night we were told to expect storms. We had been under a tornado watch for most of the day. Storms came and went but none that were severe. So about 11PM I headed to bed. Around midnight I was awakened by horrific winds and hail beating on the outside of our home. (That is always a good sign, if the winds and rain are on the outside instead of hitting you on the nose as you lay in your bed.)

Then I heard the tornado warning sirens from Ft Campbell - which is very close to our home. Deciding to check the tv weather before routing my son and husband out of their slumber to race to the basement, I ran to the living room- flipped on the TV and watched the colorful radar display showing the approaching storms.

After a few minutes, I was convinced that we were not directly in the path of the storm and went back to bed. My reentry woke Ed and I took that opportunity to pass the gauntlet to him. (It is the man's duty to 'protect" the family - right?) So I mumbled - "Tornado sirens are going off". I have to say this because my husband's hearing is not good and unless you are standing in front of him with a bullhorn- he will not hear you!

Doing the manly thing- he pulled himself upright and retraced my path to the TV to gauge the need for basement entrenchment. He did not return to the bedroom so I turned over - covered my ears and went back to sleep.

The next morning I learned that indeed, 4 tornados had touched down in our county. Several homes and mobile homes - a semi truck and our large pavillion at the fairgrounds had been damaged. They were weak tornados but I do not think that mattered to the families who now sleep in hotels or friends' homes.

Yesterday, the skies were a perfect shade of blue. Only the slightest hint of a puffy cloud here and there. A calm beautiful day.

I could not help but compare the weather - dark and threatening on Friday night - to our recent trials and despair over our beloved Sawyer and his parents. It did seem so dark for days. But the blue skies we loved yesterday are just testimony that the worst possible fears can be replaced with joy and beauty.

We do not know what Sawyer's limits may be - but when I think of the best picture - we never DID know what he was capable of. One by one his tests have been good. One by one problems are being replaced by hope.

A good friend of my - Justine Cooper - reminded me last week of Lazarus. "Do not forget," she said shaking me. "Lazarus was dead and stinky - ready for the grave- and Jesus said 'Come to me'!" And he did!

Just because we have a diagnosis - does not mean we have less of a person. Our little guy continues to learn and grow and amaze us with that smile. I want to put the diagnosis out of my mind and just enjoy the blue skies that Sawyer brings in my life.

Today is another blue sky day - Thank you Lord! I have to rush - for now - I truly am late for church!


Blogger mary sprengnether said...

Thank you Jo, for the memories! Love you much, Mary Lee

May 18, 2008 at 8:19 AM  

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