The old adage says, March comes in like a lion and will go out like a lamb --- well, I sure hope so, because we had a lion roar through Tennessee this past week! I knew we were in trouble when they (the weather gurus) spoke of accumulations later in the week. They totally bypassed the word "possible" which always gives us hope for a near-miss.
We had sleet and rain on Tues- but Wed seemed okay- Then came Thurs night, Friday and oh! my God! Friday night. We awoke to 6 inches of snow! Now okay, I KNOW that is nothing to you hard core snow lovers - but now my snow "low-light" went out years ago. Even the mere mention of that word gives me hives.
Waking to find my world colored white was not pleasant. Add to that the knowledge that I had important tasks to complete that made travel necessary - and this wintry postcard look had worn out its welcome!
They say it will warm up today, giving me hope for a green (or slightly green & brown mix) yard. I hope all those who burn my butt with moans of "Oh! I love snow! I wish we had more!" got their thrills! As for me, I am dreaming of a warm and very long Spring!
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