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Location: Clarksville, TN, United States

At this moment, I am a 60 year old lady living with a 61 year old husband of 41 years. I have a loving son, Scott, who is mentally challenged (aka mentally retarded), and a beautiful daughter, Dawn who lives near Boston with her husband and son. I never understood what all the hoopla was about being a grandparent - now I do! I am the poster child for the obnoxious old lady with photos in hand!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Walking away

One of our children's biggest milestones is walking. When you hear someone has a baby, we always ask "Are they walking yet?" It is more out of habit than actual interest. (maybe not) Being a mother of a special needs child - who was almost 2 when he walked -although I had to actually go back and look it up in his baby book to be sure. I am sure we celebrated when he did (finally) walk- but in the great myriad of things - today- almost 41 years later - It did not make the grade of important facts to remember.

When our precious Sawyer was diagnosed with Williams Syndrome - the "Is he walking" question came up. I suppose some would like to add "Will he walk?" Yes! He will walk- in his own good time; just like any other child. A friend of mine shared that her 3 boys (all perfectly normal) - were 16-18 months before they walked. She said she was too young and dumb to realize that might be a little late for walking with the first child and with the other two, she was too busy chasing the first then second ones to worry about how the third was getting around! Today they all walk perfectly fine - Thank you very much!

Sawyer is getting close to walking. He could now if he wanted to. He plays with our hearts as he pulls up with ease - and marches around furniture, then drops to the floor and crawls away. He has developed a new "trick" of standing on his hands and head and looking backward between his legs. He looks as though he is about to attempt a summersault. The PT has already gotten him to climb up the stairs - a feat Dawn and Greg have spent a great deal of time and money to curtail with gates and diligent guarding of the steep staircases in their home.

Walking. A skill we all need to learn, if possible, yet a skill that takes us away from the cheering section that prodded us to walk in the first place. As parents, we clap and giggle like 5 year olds at the circus when our toddlers begin to take those first independent steps. YEAH! You go baby! Good walking. We do not think at that point that those walking feet will someday go further and further away. Away from home, family and broken hearts.

We strive to make our babies independent. What seems to be annoying and clingy with little ones, is most missed as our "babies" growup and no longer want Mom and Dad to be as deeply involved in their lives. I think that is why mothers delight in their daughters' weddings. They are once again needed - called on for help. They are again involved in their child's lives.

To be clear, walking away is normal. It is as it should be. We, as parents, are meant to prepare our children to be independent. It is a good feeling to know that the toddlers we raised have become self-sufficient, independent adults who can fend for themselves quite well without their family cheering section. (Although many times unseen and unheard we cheer for them from a distance!)

So Sawyer will walk soon. I know it! But take small steps little guy, we still need to be needed. We still need to feel you reach out your small fingers to hold onto our hands for safety. Just know, however far away you may walk, our hearts and prayers go with you, just as they did with your mommy when she walked out of arms reach! God Bless


Blogger The Tibbs World said...

I just love it!

June 23, 2008 at 12:26 PM  

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