Confused? I am!
I had not opened my blog site in quite some time. Thought it was time for an update! I was really thrown for a loop when I saw my EBAY posting hiding under my last posting! Yup!! It is there peaking through the text and photos of our visit to MA last spring! YIKES! I have tried to delete it, but as you can see, was not successful!
I guess most folks interested enough in my life to be reading this probably knows I post ebay sales for our local ARC... I do not know how this got on this site - and I darn sure do not know how to get it off! Guess we will just have to let it go - hopefully it will not float to the top of this next posting as I have some really cute photos to share!
Dawn and her two little guys arrived on Sept 12th and spent 10 days with us- sort of! Actually, Dawn had to take Sawyer to Louisville to see the Williams Specialist for 2 1/2 days and that left time for Ed and I to spoil Gwen! (Not that it was hard to spoil her - she is such a love bunny!)
We had such a fun time with all of them here. Dawn and I got to go shopping - something I seldom do when she is not here. It is just lonely to shop alone! Ed enjoyed having some "guy time" with his little buddy! Sawyer loves his Grampy and follows him everywhere! He loves to go outside and they spent a lot of park time- swinging and sliding and on the teeter-totter!
Sometimes it is easy to forget that we have this dark cloud hanging over our beloved grandson - he is such a personable little guy - always greets everyone with a smile and a big "hi". Then out of nowhere - comes the "melt-downs" - the sensitivity overloads - you find a name for it and it does not change that Sawyer gets trapped in over the top behaviors - more than temper tantrums - beyond what most people ever have to deal with. My heart breaks for him when it occurs and greater still is my pain for the inconsolable frustration and grief that I see on my daughter's face. This is not the child we planned for, but it is the child we love.
I am so proud of Dawn - her capacity to overcome disappointment and daily stress most of us cannot begin to imagine. I cannot express the gentleness she gives to this struggling little boy and the progress he has made because of the determination of his mother and father. Sawyer has such a long way to go - but he does not go alone- his parents are his biggest fans as he learns new skills and hopefully will mature past these sensitivities issues.
Speaking of new skills, Sawyer saw his Grampy eating apples - Ed loves apples - and wouldn't you know it... Sawyer now loves apples too!
This was Gwen's first visit to TN. She totally won the hearts of all who met her! Oh! Those chubby cheeks!! She gives the best (and wettest) kisses! She is teething and was constantly drooling and wet! Ah yes - very easy to try to spoil!!
Well, I do not know what will happen when I hit publish... will the ebay posting cover up my little angels --- I sure hope not! So, I'm off to rest up for Monday- car shopping- and fodder for another blog! My babies will be back for Christmas this year (Yippee!) - having grown older and bigger! Just so they do not grow too quickly and outgrow the need for a grandma's hugs and kisses! God Bless!
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